Solutions Online Programs

About the Program

Solutions' "Deciding to Divorce Program" is a 10-part online program which gives you a platform from which to evaluate your relationship, and decide what course of action is best for you and your situation. It is perfect for individuals who recognize there are problems in their relationships, but are unsure whether separation is the right option for them.


With 10 podcasts and emails in 14 days, the course includes frameworks that will encourage you to look at your relationship in new ways so that you understand the complexities of your relationship and their impact. The course continues with descriptions of the actions you can take to ensure your long-term well being and emotional health. It also explains the changes that are necessary for you to accomplish your goals, and whether that requires divorce or other paths.


The program comes with video podcast formats, PDF transcriptions of each podcast, a course curriculum, and 2 interactive group calls, so you can truly utilize the multi-faceted course material to help you make the right choices and changes to your life.


Curriculum List:














To see the introductory bonus podcast please click on the link below!

Day 1: Evaluating the Status of Your Relationship & Life Pie Exercise

Day 2: The Effects of Your Relationship

Day 3: Pros & Cons of Your Relationship

Day 4: Red Flags

Day 5: Breaking Moments

Day 6: Safety & Daily Balance

Day 7: Temperament Types

Day 8: Reasons You Stay

Day 9: Hope and Change

Day 10: Making Yourself Happy

*Summary and Review of Course


Bonus Podcast Link



Purchase the program here


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Solutions Online Programs
Deciding to Divorce
Solutions Online Programs
Deciding to Divorce
Solutions Online Programs
Deciding to Divorce